Wednesday, April 2, 2003

No Subject

I can't seem to come up with a subject today, so it will be "No Subject". I don't know if you all got yesterday's posting, but of course it was an April Fool's joke, I love my job and would never want to leave this place. I will admit the story was actually true, but I didn't get to the point where I actually quit. So yesterday was pretty run of the mill with the exception of my lunch with Britt and Vanessa at Finagle A Bagel. I love going there for lunch, while it is a bit expensive it definitely tastes great. I did try the new carbonated Nantucket Nectars and my opinion is blah. It was okay, but I don't think I would buy another one. It sounds like my new car may be making a road trip to Florida this summer, nothing like putting over 3000+ miles on the car in one trip. The big question now is how long will it take me to get to 100,000 miles. Perhaps I should have a new contest, and let the readers guess the date. I will have to come up with a good prize.

Last night was somewhat unproductive. Since getting the new network card for my computer I have pretty much spent my evenings in my room chatting on the internet and last night was no exception. It is amazing how quickly time passes when you are chatting it up, before I knew it I had been chatting for over two hours. It was cool to reminisce about old video games, makes me want to go out and buy a used Atari for some Q-Bert, right LL. I was able to work on my brother's most recent project some more and have become quite confident in my Perl programming skills. I guess I can now add it to my resume'. Looking forward to BoCaNO tonight, even though I do need to finish my brother's project.

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