Above is a picture of Zack's baseball game which I attended on Saturday, well at least I saw the bottom half of the last inning of the game. I was in Amesbury again because it was on my way home from the VW dealership. I brought my car in for service, which they said would take several hours, so I was prepared and had lots of music and reading. Fortunately they finished in just under two hours and it gave me time to take a drive down the coast and also visit the family.
Next up was meeting Scottie and Dale in Methuen for Kill Bill Volume 2. It was pretty decent, much different than the first one, but still worth seeing. Afterwards things got a bit interesting... Scott needed to get a stripper for his friend's bachelor party, so he went online and found a couple online. The only problem was she wouldn't post her picture online, so he had to set up and interview of sorts with her in person. Now that is where I come in. He planned on meeting her after the movie which just happened to be the same time I would be with him. It was very covert from the one way phone calls to the meeting in a public place. She wouldn't give out her phone number which made meeting up all the more difficult. Finally after several phone calls we agreed to meet her and her partner at the mall. While we were waiting for them to show up we kept looking at all the women that walked through the door and wondered if it was them. They finally called and said they were there and it didn't take long for us to find them. Now I don't believe I had every actually talked to her seen a stripper up so close and upon seeing them they pretty much looked like any other girls walking around the mall. I guess this goes to show how little girls where these days. They were attractive, but it goes to show how I do really like the plain and plain girls. We introduced ourselves and proceeded with the er... interview. I had know idea what we could ask, but Scott as always was prepared and had several questions, mostly business and logistics. After he ran out of questions they basically went over some of the things they do in their um.. act. I feel like Howard Stern on the radio, trying to keep it PG, but at the same time entertaining. We thanked them for there time and left. It was certainly a once in a lifetime experience, and if it does happen again at least I know what questions to ask.
Afterwards I went to Scott's house for an awesome dinner of pork chops, steak, potatoes, squash and Mrs. K's apple sauce. It was excellent and a great prelude to our trip to Boston to see Dave Attell at the Comedy Connection. I drove in and at one point accidentally turned down a one way street the wrong way, upon realizing this I turned back on to the original street, but in the wrong lane. I kind of scared everybody in the car, but I wasn't too rattled. The city was so warm and everybody was out and about just enjoying the beautiful weather. The show was very funny and it was nice to be experiencing a Saturday night like most twenty somethings do, out in the city. Seeing everybody out and having a great time just made me feel like I didn't really belong. I think I have missed an important part of life, the part where most people learn to go out and socialize in public. Perhaps it was the fact that most of my college life was spent working and not partying like the rest of the world. It seems like something I will never really learn so I guess there really isn't much point reflecting on it.
Today was another nice day spent mostly at home resting. In the afternoon I went to Amesbury to do laundry. It was a pretty uneventful day. Oh yeah except for the fact that I brough three trash bags full of clothes to the Salvation Army. I was inspired after watching an episode of Queer Eye. The Fab 5 were just ripping through this guys closet and giving him such grief about his clothes. I decided to do the same thing and realized about half of the stuff I own I will never wear. One of the hardest things to get rid of was a bunch of my Dave Matthews t-shirts. I just realized that I never wear half of them because they are the shirts with the tour dates on the back. I kept a couple of them, including my first shirt, but the rest are now in a big red dumpster in Newburyport.