It is now Monday and I am once again sitting at my desk for the first time in a week and a half. I feel like I can now relax, no more driving, planning, beaching etc... Of course it sounds strange since now I won't be relaxing at all but instead working my butt off here at good 'ol State Street. Oh yeah before I forget on the drive back we made it by driving straight through and it only took 23 hours (see picture with hand gestures). The Florida drive is such a piece of cake. A ton of stuff has happened since my last entry, so I will try to summarize.
July 2nd - Last full day in Florida, Quizno's subs, Marble Slab Ice cream, Wal-Mart, Japanese Steakhouse, WWE's Big Show, packing
July 3rd - Driving, driving, driving, driving, Pasco Virginia, Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel, Chik-Fil-A, Barnes & Noble Starbucks
July 4th - Driving, driving, unpacking, sleeping, sleeping, car wash and wax, Dad's Barbecue, Fireworks with collage kids
July 5th - Beach, riding waves, collage kids, Starbucks iced grande White Mocha (yummy), driving to Plymouth, fun ring game at the Harvey's, first pizza in week, Hoedown, fender bender, Krispy Kremes
July 6th - Ironing, ironing, hanging out by the pool, cancelled soccer game, shopping, more Starbucks, Terminator 3, dinner at home, Hodgies with Em and Ry, Sex and the City, Televizzle, finally sleep.
See now wasn't that nice, short and sweet. Overall you get the picture that I was very busy and it could have become a novel very quickly. Either way its good to be back and lets see if we can get some comments coming in by putting out this question: What did y'all do on the Fourth of July (local fireworks, Boston fireworks, tv fireworks)?
Enjoy these pictures!!
Final Florida Slideshow
Hoedown Slideshow
Hoedown Movie Clip 1
Hoedown Movie Clip 2
Hoedown Movie Clip 3
Hoedown Movie Clip 4
Hoedown Movie Clip 5
Hoedown Movie Clip 6
Hoedown Movie Clip 7
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