I can't go into detail about my weekend for fearing of boring all you lovely readers out there, but I can summarize for you.
- Worked extra late because of a stupid error.
- Missed movie with Vanessa bc of preceding item.
- Finally met Vanessa for Pizzeria Uno at 10:30 (sheesh).
- Gave woman directions to T station across the street, which she couldn't see and then she told me it is so hard to find stuff around here, it's like Dublin.
- Slept until 8:30, that's late for me.
- Drove to Boston with my mom for the Red Sox game vs. the Yankees. BoSox lost :o(
- Gave mom a tour of my new apartment, she approved.
- Played guitar until I fell asleep.
- Went for a drive to Maine in the morning.
- Lunch at Wendy's with Britt and Auntie Babe.
- Went to Watertown to help Scottie move.
- Hung out at the new house because the movers were late moving out the old tenants. When the movers left one of the guys sat in the back of the truck with the furniture.
- Met the old tenants. Two girls from Smith College who were irrate about the movers. The blonde was cute, but I am all set with long distance relationships.
- Moved tons of stuff, but it went smoothly, out of 23 Laurel onto the truck into 14 Heather. Sweet new apartment Scottie.
- Yummy Sicilian pizza from somewhere in Watertown.
Monday (Labor Day)
- Time to move myself.
- Began packing things and made a few trips to Salem by 4:30.
- It then started to rain, before we moved the furniture in the truck. (Just my luck)
- Everybody helped me and I am grateful.
- Fun shopping for food at Shaw's with Britt. Where we decided my new place to meet girls is the supermarket.
- I asked Britt if I should get cheese and she said well you might want to make grilled cheese. I replied, "I don't know how to make grilled cheese." She said, "You don't. (pause) Neither do I."
- Left 39R Kimball and went home to my new place and proceeded to put shit away.
I noticed how bad my ADD was last night while I was unpacking things. I would be unpacking food and then go into the living room to get some more and then start putting my stereo together. I would then need to get something to put the stereo together and end up putting clothes away. It was awful there was just so much to do and I wanted to do it all. I did get most of my stuff put away and only have a pile of random stuff left to go through tonight.
So far so good in the new place.
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