Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Fabulous Dinner

Last night Jennifer and I went for an amazing dinner at Radius. She had received a gift certificate a couple weeks ago and since it is near Valentine's day we decided to go. We got all dressed up for our fancy dinner me in my suit and her in a lovely black dress. Thankfully the weather was beautiful and we didn't have to worry about any rain. We took our seats and perused the wine list, since the lowest price for a bottle was over forty dollars we opted for wine by the glass instead, she had the Riesling and I the Pinot Blanc. For my first course I had Potato Gnocchi with mushrooms. It was good although I felt it was a bit to soft in texture for my tastes. Jennifer had a Spicy Crab Tart, which I stayed away from but she claims was delicious. My main entree was chicken in a sauce with green beans and mushrooms. The chicken was fantastic and melted in my mouth. Jennifer experimented with a vegetable medley, which included five different smaller dishes of vegetables. Once again I avoided her meal due to the odd nature of the vegetables. Of course we went for dessert since we wanted to use up the whole gift certificate. I decided to try something new and had a mango Panna Cotta. It was so tasty, I made sure to take my time and enjoy every single bite. We paid our tab and then made our way back to Somerville. It was the most expensive dinner we have had yet, but it was nice to eat somewhere so nice. I can't believe only six hours earlier I was ordering things off of the 99 cent menu at Wendy's.

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