Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Oops Missed a Weekday

Yes I know I missed a day and I am sorry, but I had a lot of stuff going on. First of all it is cold out there, I had hoped we would make it through this winter without the extreme cold like we had last year. On the bright side I noticed the commute isn't nearly as bad as last year because I just have to walk to the subway and I am all set.

Last night was our second and final wine tasting class and once again it was great fun. We learned a lot in the three hours we were in class and I now actually enjoy wine. I did drinking a lot of wine last night, which when combined with my empty stomach made for a long drunk walk home. Jennifer was rather amused so I guess that was good and I was able to fall right asleep. I have had trouble the last four nights or so trying to sleep through the night. This morning I woke up at 5:30, which was a great improvement over prior nights.

On Friday night Jennifer and I went to Helmand, an amazing Afghani restaurant in Cambridge. We ordered a whole bottle of wine, a Riesling, a wonderful sweet white wine. For an appetizer we had baked pumpkin with a ground beef sauce. I had a prime rib and Jennifer had leek-scallion raviolis. If you are looking for a nice place to go that isn't too expensive you should try it. Helmand Restaurant

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