Wednesday, November 2, 2005

New Podcast

Hi everybody,

I have added a new episode to my podcast. In an effort to get people listening instead of reading I am going to keep the text short for now.

To make it easier for you all to listen here are some other ways besides using iTunes. All I have really done is set up an RSS feed. You will probably see RSS feeds on all your favorite websites. It is basically a way of packaging content that is easily read regardless of the type of content or where it is from. You can do the iTunes thing or you can use any RSS reader you want. For the most lightweight version I would use the google reader (setup instructions below). It allows you to play the audio without requiring a download. You can also add other feeds to the google reader such as the livejournal.

If you have a gmail account go to
Log in using your gmail account and password.
Once on the reader page click the "Your Subscriptions" tab.
Click add a feed.
Paste into the box and click Preview.
My podcast will automatically load.
Now click the Subscribe button.
The feed has now been added.
Now if you go to the My Subscriptions tab again you can see the feed and if you click on it you can see all the episodes below.
Click on play to hear the episodes.

If you want to add this Livejournal to the google reader here is the path

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