On Friday night it was an evening at the old ballpark. I met mom at the Common and we walked to Fenway Park for the BoSox-Mariners game. After a little confusion we met Jennifer and Melissa on the way to the game. We took some photos outside the green monster and then we parted ways for our seats. Mom and I sat in right field right under the over hang, so when the rain came we stayed relatively dry. I was excited about the game because I had decided to keep score, so I was glad to get there early and get situated with my score card and my pen. I have developed my own system and while I did miss a couple pitches here and there I was able to record most of the game. It got tricky after the rain started, but I was able to keep the score card dry. The next morning I totaled up all of the statistics and my box score was correct. Tomorrow night Jennifer and I are going back to Fenway and once again I will be keeping score.
Here are my score cards from Friday's game. Click to zoom.